Also please visit my Dave
Tooley's Scooter Racing Links Page
Southend Rally 1972 (I've always loved the caption to this photo, reprinted from Scooter World...poor Stephanie must have squirmed when she read it)
Mick Estlick, Phil Blatch + Unknown SSSC member with derelict bike
I've compiled a list of all the Solent City Scooter Club members names
that come immediately to mind from my old and beer battered brain cells. I'm
sure there are many more, and if anyone out there in cyberspace can fill in
the gaps I'd be very grateful.
Also any information as to where these poor souls ended up would be most welcome,
please forward the details on to me.
If you know of any ex-members from those early days, please let them
know about this website. Perhaps they would like to receive contact details
from some of their old pals. I will only disclose individuals email addresses
if permission is given to do so.
Names with available email addresses I have annotated with the symbol:-
Angela Twigg
Barbara Rowe
Chris Bracey ***@***
Colin Fry
Colin Thompson ***@***
Dave Seymour
Dave Tooley ***@***
Debbie ?(Colin Fry's Wife of a few years)
Denise Adams
Geoff Champion
Jackie Catchpole
John Coles
John Dixon
John Olde
John Searle
Keith Champion
Kenny Erridge
Marten Holdway ***@***
Mick Estlick ***@***
Mick Platts
Muriel Rowe
Pete Boyle ***@***
Pete Thomas
Phil Blatch
Simon Cousins
Steve Fletcher
Terry Langridge ***@***
Tim Golding
Trev Aspden
Trevor Jones
Send me an email about Solent City Scooter Club